Platform | Assured Claims Intelligence Platform

The Modern Claims Intelligence Platform

The Assured Platform

Structured Data

Deep, broad, and consistent—machine readable data to empower your claims decision-making.

Augmented Data

Integrate 50+ external data sources to ask better questions and provide human & AI decision-makers with deeper understanding.


“Claims AI that actually works.” By feeding neural networks with structured & augmented claims data, effective AI has finally arrived.


Empowered by a strong foundation, Assured’s Deep Learning models learn both across policyholders and across our customers to deliver superior insights.

Structured Data


No more big unstructured text fields—only intelligently chosen multiple choice questions, and carefully constructed libraries.


AI powered questions gather more data than a phone specialist ever could, totaling more than 2,000 direct and 40,000 indirect pieces of actionable information.

By controlling how, when, and in what form the data is ingested, Assured creates an audited information space that enables adjusters and AIs to better detect fraud.
Satellite Data
Previous Accident Data
Speed Limit
VIN Number
Traffic Conditions
Intersection History
Car Make/ Model
Crime Trends
Construction Records
Property Stats
Ownership History

Augmented Data

Often, the data directly supplied by the claimant isn’t enough to correctly and reliably adjudicate a claim. This requires the adjuster to search for and consolidate many different data sources in a time consuming and imprecise process.

Assured solves this problem, and then takes it one step further.

By integrating more than 50 external data sources, and then intelligently surfacing the most pressing data points to the adjuster, Assured enables better informed and more consistent decisions to be made in record time.

Artificial Intelligence

AI models are only as good as the data you give them. Powered by structured and machine readable data, Assured’s AI tools are the most robust, accurate, and reliable tools ever built for the modern claims organization.

Deep Learning

Sometimes, a comprehensive understanding of a single claim isn’t enough. Assured’s Deep Learning models learn across all our users, identifying behavior patterns, connections, and causal relationships to empower better decisions.

One Click Integration

Assured was built from the ground up to natively integrate with the industry’s leading core system APIs.

The Assured platform can be deployed in less than a day with one-click, no-code APIs and web services.